Friday, May 30, 2008

Will I ever learn?

I'll be honest: I do stupid things. No matter how smart, how amazing, or how great you think I am, I do stupid things. Every Friday, I'll be posting a countdown of the 3 most idiotic things I've done for the week. Let's get this party started right:

3. Attempting to rationalize with Little Bit - You see, Little Bit, who I will refer to as LB, is a younger guy. Much younger. In an effort to create a situation that should have been easy for the both of us, I tried explaining why we could never be together and why he should see other people. Of course, LB doesn't quite understand my idea of "managing expectations."

2. Attempting to rationalize with pompous arses - I think this is pretty clear. It just ain't happening.

1. Admitting to going on a date with someone else - This is always a questionable act. The outcome can be either really good or really, really bad. LB didn't seem to get the message when we spoke about expectations, so I thought telling him that I was going on date with another guy would have taken care of any dreams he had of being in a relationship with me. Not only did I admit this to him, but I blocked all incoming calls so that he could not contact me even if he wanted. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Now, I have a whining, crying, tempermental male human on my hands who appears will stop at nothing to convince me that I should not date other people and be with him. I can be assured that this will follow me through next week and into the top 3 again.

Oh, joy.

Missing the top 3 by a sliver of stupidity: (1)Taking caffeine pills at a ridiculous hour, causing loss of sleep and a generally crappy attitude and (2)doing something terribly mean to LB in hopes that he would get the message. He didn't.

The weekend is here, my prime time for more stupidity. It's on!

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