Friday, June 13, 2008


Change is something that I don't deal with very well. I fight it. I like most things to remain stable. Expected. Predictable. The last few days has been everything but. Let's start with the ugly. Ending on a sour note isn't cool(and we know The One is supercool.

The Ugly - The Ex is over. Dead. Never to return to my life. I sent him the text and was never sent a reply, but blew it off. He's not mine, so I couldn't complain. But then I began to think...if he really wants to be with me, why does he do such things? So I asked. And I received my usual, "baby, I'm sorry. It was late and I didn't want to bug you" answer. Keep in mind, this is the man who will call at 1 AM when he's off of work any other time. The following day, he has another late night and does call. I don't answer and recieve a snappy email the next morning. So, I let him have it. Enough was enough. Today I found a new picture of him and the girl who "likes him, but he doesn't want to be with." Bullshit.

The Bad - Really, The Bad isn't bad. More than anything, it's a shock. I'm moving. And it's not so much that I'm moving into a new house, but I'm leaving my current spot. LB calls me the Bachelorette partially because of the pad. It's the first place that I've actually bought. Mine. I'm worried prospective buyers won't like it. I love it here and will miss it so much...

The Good - Good is not a fair word. Fantastic is more like it. After graduating college, I left the south to work in the northeast. I had a great group of friends in college, a group of wild girls who loved to party. Unfortunately, a few of them liked to party more than they liked to go to class and dropped out. I had not seen those girls in more than 5 years, until today. A trip to the mall to exchange a dress(that happened to look absolutely horrid on me) is what changed the fact that I had not seen them. The first chick, who we will refer to as Mo-dizzle, was working in a store. I stopped to make sure it was her, talked to her for a while, and headed out. The jewel of the conversation was that another one of the crew was in our city and only 5 minutes from my the bachelorette pad! Of course, I made my way to her place of employment. We ended up chatting for more than 2 friggin' hours. It was quite nice to reunite with old friends. Real friends, something I haven't experienced in years.

So, here's to ridding life of the rubbish and welcoming renewed goodness.

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