Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Gym - Part II

Although I enjoy checking out the scenery, I hate being bugged during my workout. Unless someone can get straight to the point with their question/comment, I don't want to be bothered. Generally, I don't want to be bothered with any questions or comments. It's been said that I look like a bitch, so I try to be nice when I have the opportunity.

Little Bit goes to my gym. I know, I know. The Ex and Little Bit both at the same gym? Yes. I didn't meet either there and I don't recall a time that they've been training at the same time, so I don't care. The Ex is rarely there when I am there in the first place and rarely talks to me because he knows I hate being bothered. Little Bit, on the other hand, has a knack for aggrevating the hell out of me by trying to hold a full blown conversation with him. The subject is always the same:(a)why I haven't called him or (b)why am I so busy that I don't have time for him or (c)what am I doing tonight and can he come over. And you'd think that, knowing I can be a bitch during a workout, LB wouldn't bother me. Right?


Even after I have dismissed him several times, he always comes back begging for more. Take this past Monday, for instance. Dead in the middle of a set, he walks behind me with a smile on his face. I totally ignore him until I'm done and have piddled with the weights a bit. Then I turn around and say hi. The standard questions ensue. And my standard answer is, "We'll see. Call me." I put my headphones back on, turn around, and pretend he was never there. And every night, I block his call. And he calls. And calls. And calls. I never call him back. You'd think the little idiot would have learned by now that I have no interest in him. Hell, I've blantantly told him that he isn't my kind of guy and that he needs to see other people.

You'd think he would get it. Poor sorry sucker. Don't call me and don't fark with me at the gym!

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