Monday, June 9, 2008

The Gym

On any given day at some point, usually in the evening, you'll find me at the gym. It's my spot. I'm there with my iPod blaring, intense concentration in my eyes, sweating my ass off(pun intended. HA!) No, I'm not one of those get-on-the-treadmill-for-an-hour girls. I'm lifting heavy weights, getting light headed, smelling pre-vomit and waiting for the spew to begin. In short, I work until I have nothing left to give. And although the gym is my time, I do get a kick out of the people who train there.

I also like to check out the guys. Shocking!

For those who don't know, The Ex goes to my gym. I didn't meet him at the gym, though. I met him at a restaurant having dinner with my mom, so he's technically not a gym date. I didn't really pay much attention to him, though. I had seen him a couple or three times, but not enough to really matter.

On the other hand, there are some really, really hot guys that train there regularly. These guys are there daily and some of them are extremely hot. There's one, who I like to refer to as Mighty Mouse because he is probably all of 5'2'', that has the hottest legs I've ever seen. They are big and muscular and strong and...*cough* Yea. Mighty Mouse sometimes trains with Mr Hot. Mr Hot is Mr Hot because he is perfect. Ridiculously cute, amazing athletic body, and a smile that could make the biggest bitch melt. Farging Trainer(FT) sometimes works out with them, but he works there and often has to actually work! I don't think FT is hot, nor do I like him much because he tries to critique me. And because I do nothing wrong(!!!), all I end up getting is this creepy stare show. Anyhow, Mr Hot and Mighty Mouse are not the only hot ones. There's also Hot Racing Guy who, I assume, is either a triathlete or something of that nature. He is scorching, take-off-your-panties now hot. Seriously. Damn...

So what, right? Hot guys at the gym is a normal occurance. Well, these hot guys are special. They aren't just normal hot guys, they hot guys who happen to be gay as well. A bloody waste of a peen to me. Thinking about it now makes me frustrated. Why do the guys get the hot guys?!

I love gay men. My junior year in college, my roommate and I lived next door to two who referred to themselves as Ms Michael and Ms Pearl. Ms Michael was in beauty school and always had the most perfectly kept eyebrows and manicure on any human being that I've ever seen in my life. Ms Pearl was just as flaming as Ms Michael and I loved it. They were the best friends a girl could have from the free eyebrow shaping to the pageants(yes, pageants) they'd have with their other gay friends. I always have, and always will, believe that gay men make the best friends for a woman. They usually have great fashion sense, are really honest, and they will never ever try to get in your pants. What's not to love?

But the thought that Ms Michael and Ms Pearl are stealing the hottest guys and making them their boyfriend pisses me off.

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